Ready to make the leap?




β€œThere is nothing with which every man is so afraid as getting to know how enormously much he is capable of doing and becoming.”
― Soren Kierkegaard

In between the life you lead and the legacy you desire to leave is a story. This story often keeps us small, stuck and daydreaming at our desk jobs. What if you seized the pen and powerfully authored a new narrative?

What’s on the other side of fear?

Let’s find out.

Have you aspired to something great, lofty and ambitious - and been terrified of it at the same time?

Together, we’ll unpack the big, scary goals you have, and the fears that get in the way of action. Then you’ll learn a simple process to help you get out of your way and on to offering your badass music, message and medicine with the world.

If you’re ready to transform from desk-job daydreamer into a courageous creator…

I’ve got your back, and I’m excited to help you make the leap and land on your feet.

Here’s how:

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Define your Story.

Your words create your world, whether you’re thinking or speaking them out loud. Together, we’ll dismantle the disempowering narratives that keep you small and help you author a new ending.

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Discipline your State.

Just as thoughts, feelings and situations can impact our physical state, the reverse holds true. Learn how to shift your physical state so that you show up calm, confident and un-messable in any situation.



Determine your Strategy.

It can feel daunting when staring across the chasm at what you desire, not knowing how to get there. Let’s begin with baby steps, and you’ll be flying before you know it.




Meet your guide:

Hi, I’m Andrew Fraser. I’m a business leader, storyteller, coach, yoga instructor and adventure seeker. Drawing from a deep well of experience in anxiety-inducing pursuits like BASE jumping off mountains, walking a wild puma through the Amazon and leaving a safe career to build a business, I understand resistance. With this knowledge, I’ll give you the tools to overcome self-limiting beliefs and fulfill your most ambitious dreams.

